I can't see why they say there is an issue with medical care in this country.
I went back to see the doctor this afternoon about my various physical maladies after doing physical therapy for 6 weeks. While I'm getting better the progress is very slow. I've tried some running to mixed results and I figure at the pace of improvement it might take years for me to get "better." I've been going from doctor to doctor since last November and the latest doctor felt that my knee pain was sourced from my back.
I had back surgery years ago and I know intimately what referred back pain feels like. I told the doctor I was doubting his diagnosis since the pain that I have did not feel like back referred pain. He said he would try to convince me. He bent me in a few poses and asked where did each hurt. I told him honestly. At the end of about 5 minutes he said that I was convincing him is was less a back issue and more of an ITB issue (this was the original diagnosis months ago).
He said stop PT and gave me some additional stretches that he feels confident will cure me in 6-8 weeks assuming I do them about 10 times a day. If that doesn't work, we'll go to the needle again but this time in my knee. The only good news is that my hip has been hurting me less and less and it seems like I've been able to manage that injury by avoiding the positions that cause pain.
Anyone think these stretches will work? I don't but I'll try them anyway. Do I really have a choice?
Dunno, but I always sense that stretching, walking, the more caveman approaches are likely better solutions to back issues, than surgery...depending on how bad the damage is.
If you start with the stretching, I would think you would feel some improvement fairly soon, if it will work at all.
Hoping for the best.
Stretching can do wonders! work on your core strength too, that always helps. Hope you feel better soon brother!
Here's to hoping the stretching works. Honestly I'm pretty dubious about surgery in a lot of cases.
Stretching was part of my rehab a few years ago and it seemed to help a lot. But it takes diligence in doing the stretches several times a day every day.
Do you have a foam roller? I'd include that in addition to the stretches. If it's ITB, I'm thinking stretching will go a long way to help out.
Then don't quit stretching when it feels better. keep doing it so that it doesn't get tight again.
best wishes
Absolutely stretching should help. It might be slow going at first, but with the proper mix of stretches, you'll repair a lot of imbalance issues, which could be causing the pain.
I love stretching and it helps me with my back and with when I've had other issues. So I say go with the stretching.
Wow, frustrating to go to so many doctors and get various opinions. Then again, medicine is a quasi science, isn't it? Best of luck on the stretching. When I was plagued by piriformis troubles for many months, the ultimate cure turned about to be stretching and time. Lots of time. As in many, many months. A good 6 months of stretching and reduced training finally did the trick. Hope you'll see faster progress than I did. But either way, hang in there and don't lose hope :)
How's life without the kids? Does it feel strange in your house or are you enjoying having all that adult time again?
Take care and have fun!
Wow, frustrating to go to so many doctors and get various opinions. Then again, medicine is a quasi science, isn't it? Best of luck on the stretching. When I was plagued by piriformis troubles for many months, the ultimate cure turned about to be stretching and time. Lots of time. As in many, many months. A good 6 months of stretching and reduced training finally did the trick. Hope you'll see faster progress than I did. But either way, hang in there and don't lose hope :)
How's life without the kids? Does it feel strange in your house or are you enjoying having all that adult time again?
Take care and have fun!
Anything you can do to avoid the knife, do! Stretching can really help, I am terrible at doing it, but when I do, I feel better. Hang in there, I know it is frustrating!
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