I thought about my training and initially thought I was completely results focused. Almost every bike training session is designed to hit a power number and almost every run is to hit a pace or distance target. Body composition has been all about the scale. Then I realized my swim workouts, are more process than results. What I mean by that is that I focus more on form and duration as compared to pace and distance. Some of this is due to the fact that almost all of my swimming is either in the endless pool or open water (when it gets warm enough). These venues make measuring pace and distance more challenging.
Which works best? I don't know. Maybe I need to focus a bit more on the process for my biking and running and see what happens. At least it will give me something to think about.
In reality I only skimmed over the article but I expect to read it again in more detail and perhaps look at some related research. What are your thoughts?