Last night I completed a 7 hour, 2 night course in First Aid, CPR and AED offered by the local American Red Cross office. I've taken CPR classes in the past but it has been a long while. I, along with what seems most (there was only one person in the class who didn't take some flavor of this class before), did not go through the re-certification process so had to retake the whole course. I've never done the AED flavor before and the last time I reviewed first aid I was a boy scout. As hard as it may be to believe, I was a crappy boy scout.
Most of the people in the class were doing this to meet a requirement for work or some thing. I've never had this as a work requirement but took it this time (as well as in the past) to prepare for a "just in case" scenario. Of course it would be best for me (and it is all about me after all) if those around me took this class just in case I need help. The likelihood of me needing first aid could be considered low since I already got hit by a car while cycling but lightening (or something like it) could strike again.
This course is painless except for finding the time to take it. It would be best if I never need to use the knowledge in this course but I'm trained just in case.
I am certified too, just because. Its good to know it.
you can't take that class too often. i haven't taken it since i was a boy scout either, but kelley did just a few months ago.
Good for you!
I haven't taken that class since I "needed" it for something in college. Shame on me.
I actually use the WKO+ software. I really like the performance graphs it puts together and the information you can pull from it. I am still tinkering with the manual workout input, but overall I love it.
What other software are you looking at?
Just came across your blog and I'm so enjoying it!! I see that you did/are part of Team in Training. I've considered this...and was just wondering on your thoughts. I'm a total BEGINNER and very overweight. Would love to hear about your experience with the group.
Good for you. More people should take the time to do this. Including me!
Good for you for taking the class! I've always been concerned that I could maintain a level head in an emergency, and have never ventured to take one of these.
Now for the lightning comment... Watch out there~! Knock on wood. You might be tempting fate a little too much.
Great idea to have that under your belt!
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