Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Weird neighbors

Is your weird neighbor the one who cuts his grass every day?
Is your weird neighbor the one who knows everything about everything?
Is your weird neighbor the one who still has his Christmas lights up in May?
Is your weird neighbor the one who never cuts his grass?
Is your weird neighbor the one who runs outside in his underwear to get the newspaper every morning?
Is your weird neighbor the one who vacuums his driveway?
Is your weird neighbor the one who works on his car or washes it every day?
Is your weird neighbor the one who old person who complains about everything?
Is your weird neighbor the one who walks his dog and walks his dog and walks his dog...?
Is your weird neighbor the one who is a crazy triathlete who meets their friends for bike rides at 530AM on the weekend? Wait a minute, what is weird about that?

If you don't know which of your neighbors is the weird one, it probably is you. Every block has at least one.


Ewa said...

I am a weird neighbor on more than one account. :)

Unknown said...

Is your weird neighbor the one who keeps his new car in the driveway and his bikes in the center of the garage?

Is your weird neighbor always wearing lycra?

Is your weird neighbor the guy with shaved legs?

Is your weird neighbor always smelling of chlorine and has grease on his right calf?

Great List! We could go on and on for days!

Al's CL Reviews said...

Is your weird neighbor the one who never cuts his grass?
Is your weird neighbor the one who old person who complains about everything?
Is your weird neighbor the one who walks his dog and walks his dog and walks his dog...?

I'm the weird neighbor because of these 3.

Diane said...

I think I've got all of these on your list just in my block alone. However, In Defense of weird neighbors I'd like to say that they are all good people. And therefore I like them all. The neighbors I don't like? The rowdy ones that throw parties until 3AM. We live in a very quiet neighborhood and we ALL know who that 3AM party crowd is...

Big Daddy Diesel said...

I am guilty of the gitches one

Tri Mommy said...

Oddly, we don't have any wierd neighbors other than me with the triathlon stuff.

Caratunk Girl said...

LOL - great list.

I am definitely the weird neighbor. Early rides and runs on weekends, grease seemingly always on my right calf, hobbling around town post-race talking about how "Next time I do this race.."


Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

I see nothing weird about any of these, and that's NOT just because I'm guilty of doing them all!

How did you know?

Have you been talking to my neighbors? Because that's just weird.

Okay, I don't do that last thing ... the 5:30am triathlete thing .. because that's just weird.

Jess said...

I don't know if I'm the weird neighbor but I'm definitely the weird roommate. My new roommate just told me she thinks I eat weird food. (Apparently healthy food is weird)