Got my tri bike back from the bike shop. Took off the aqua rack and took it for a quick shake down ride. It is ready for Timberman all clean with new rubber. I need a better name for this bike other than "The Look." Perhaps "Eye Candy" would do or does that have to wait until race wheels are in the picture?
Laid out most of my things and will pack it up tonight for the drive up to New Hampshire tomorrow morning.
All my stuff seems ready. We'll see if my mind and body are shortly.
Game on.
Thanks so much for your nice comment over on my site. I appreciate hearing the "it will get better" from triathletes who actually know how hard it is mentally/personally to be forced out of a race by an injury.
It looks like you and your HAWT looking bike are ready to rock this weekend. Enjoy the experience and soak up some of that race atomosphere knowing I would give my right foot (literally) to be there with you! ROCK that race course and then report back quickly!
Best wishes for your Personal Best and a great race experience. Can't wait to read all about it!
game on indeed rockstar! do it.
so how'd you do?
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