The weathermen predicted cold weather with rain coming in later in the day. When we woke up in the morning it was high 30s but dry. As usual, the first challenge was what to wear. We wound up like the three bears: I probably over dressed a bit, Courtney under dressed a bit and Amanda was probably just right but it all worked out.
This was going to be my first race on the road to recovery/road to IMFL. I'm planning on racing much less this year as compared to previous years and I really wanted to take it relatively easy. Luckily Courtney decided she wanted to run with me so we mixed up mostly running/jogging with a few walk breaks mixed in. We were coming down the chute side by side and an evil thought went through mind on how to make sure I beat her but she finished strong, out kicking me to the end to snag 5th place in the female under 12 AG. Amanda wasn't "racing" this race but took 3rd in the 13-19 AG anyway so we stuck around for her to pick up her hardware.
This was a great race for the family. We went home to take the big 24lb turkey out of the oven and get ready for the rest of the family coming over. We wore our Turkey Trot shirts with pride throughout the day and had a great holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving all!
Congrats on the race, that is so cool the whole family went out and did it
Congrats on making it a family affair...I was born in Lindenhurst, just a rocks throw away...
That's a great family tradition! 3 bears haha!
I love it !! all 3 of you there. doesn't get any better.
There's nothing better than running with the kiddos - congrats to all three of you!!
congrats on getting the whole family out there! that's great!
Hi Rock Star,
It sounds like you had a fantastic Thanksgiving! Congrats to both of your super star running daughters:) Aswesome! I love that you wore your race shirts the entire day too:)
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