Friday, November 19, 2010


201Ironman is a collection of athletes (and me) that are racing an Ironman in 2011. I just posted an entry there about one of my favorite topics, me. Check out the site here.


Heather said...

I went. I read. Very interesting. I'll have to check it out more later.

Patrick Mahoney said...

I follow you guys, but you never followed me back (hint)

KovasP said...

That Disney story is almost biblical. "I know a lot of useless facts" - that's me in a nutshell as well.

Carly said...

great post! Your Disney recap is a great one....I can totally relate with the worst and best race experience. They are the ones where we learn the most.!!! I am looking forward to following your training. how cool.

KC (my 140 point 6 mile journey) said...

Yay!! I'll finally get to meet the rockstar! I'm registered for IMFL too.

Julie said...

Holy cow!! You are doing an Ironman!?! You are really a rock star:) Good luck with the training! I am very excited for you....this is a big deal for sure:)