Nutrisystem didn't get the memo and send me the bear pictured to the left. It is for celebrating losing 10 pounds. It is a beanie baby like stuffed bear and his name is "Pound." The missing, yet crucial, detail was that I hadn't lost 10 pounds yet on this diet.
I put his picture as the background on my blackberry so I could be reminded of my failure often. I'm one of those blackberry addicts you keep hearing about since I check it dozens (hundredsd?) of times each day. It also kept me thinking about what I am doing and why. I think it helped.
I did ok on the diet this week. The scale reported that I lost most of the weight I gained and even passed the 10 pound barrier. I earned that bear. That hunt is over. I'm back with the right mindset and my quest continues. I wonder if I'll get a bear for 20 lbs lost and wonder what his name would be. Rock Star, perhaps?
Way to come back and lose that weight! It is so tough for me this time of year - it is getting colder and I just want to eat more, like I am a bear or something trying to store fat. Ha. Keep up the great work!
the weight loss journey is not an easy one. congrats for earning the bear!
I just did something similar. Congrats on facing it and re-losing the 10.
Great job on earning the bear!!!
Keep looking ahead!!! You're gonna have pitfalls and road blocks along the way, just roll on and get past them the best you can and back on track. You can do it. Now i want to know what you are getting for the 20 pounds!!
Hi Rock Star,
Oh, bless your heart for putting that picture on your blackberry:) Congrats on winning the bear! Don't you think that you are kind of being hard on yourself? Just remember that today is a new day! Stay positive and do the best that you can:)
Good for you for refocusing and getting back at it. I know what a challange the battle with weight can be. Check out this video. It has been going around and is very inspirational.
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