Friday, September 17, 2010


Two years ago I started this blog with this less than epic post. When I started this blog I had just started training with a coach after signing up for what would be my first half Ironman. A few days earlier, my firm (aka the Brothers Lehman) declared bankruptcy and my job was melting down. I started this blog to chronicle my athletic failures (no successes were really anticipated) without any expectations and it seemed likely that this blog could just quickly disappear.

I'm happy that this blog became a little more than nothing. What it is, I don't really know but I feel that I've gotten to e-know some people through it and some people may have gotten to e-know me a little. Some good, funny bloggers make me crack up from time to time. I shared in mine and others successes and failures too. Some blogerati have disappeared and others have magically appeared over time. I feel that my journey, while it may veer off in unexpected directions from time to time and is still slow, isn't over yet.

Thanks for reading.


Aka Alice said...

Ain't blogging a wonderous thing? I started my blog almost three years ago, to chronicle my training for my first marathon. I figured when I was done with the marathon, I'd be done with the blog, yet it's become this somewhat important part of my life.

I'm glad I'm one of your blogerati! (I love that word!)

Pahla said...

Happy Blogiversary!! It's pretty cool how this blogging thing takes on a life of its own, huh??

Unknown said...

Blogging is an interesting thing. Glad you've stuck with it for a year. Looking forward to reading about your upcoming adventures too!

chris mcpeake said...

Happy blogiversary.
Keep it up

Big Clyde said...

Glad to have you out there. Thanks for mentoring and encouraging me, Rock.

Julie said...

Congrats on the two years of blogging! I am glad that I found your blog Rock Star!

Al's CL Reviews said...

Happy Blogaversary! Keep it up! I enjoy reading.

Caratunk Girl said...

Happy Blogaversary! That is awesome. It is funny how blogging evolves!! I am happy to e-know you! (HEY I even got to meet you!) I love reading.

Travel / Surf Guy said...

Ditto to all the comments.

I'm one of your "blogerati" too and I enjoy following on with your exploits. I've only started doing Tris myself and I love it (I'm not very good but that doesn't matter)

Yesterday I celebrated my 1 year blog anniversary so I hear ya and hope to be around in another year!!!