No, I'm not Snake
Pliskin from "Escape from New York" but the Mrs. and I decided to bundled up the kiddies and escape to Florida for a few days. The stars seemed to align: too much snow on the ground in NY, the kids are off from school, too much snow on the ground in NY, our rental property - Memory Maker located just outside of Disney in
Kissimmee is available for a couple of days, too much snow on the ground in NY, having Disney tickets from one of our prior trips with admission days left on them,
pricelining a decent deal on airfare and rental car and most of all, did I mention that it was too cold with
mucho snow on the ground in NY?
Last month we went to Florida for a few days and for the Disney Half Marathon. It was snowing at the start of the race and then it got even colder. Mrs
Rockstar felt
gypped out of a chance to warm up a bit on that trip so if it is that weather this trip, someone will be in big trouble.
Probably me.
Hope you have a toasty warm time!
Oh man, this Minnesota girl is just a tad bit jealous of the family trip to Florida that you have planned!! I hope that you have a great time and get a nice tan going:) Do you think the snow will be gone by the time you get back? I am guessing no...but there is wishful thinking!!
but, how is the weather in NY?
Have fun down in FL.
yeah, but how do you feel about the snow on the ground?!?
have fun!!
Have fun!
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