Thursday, December 31, 2015

Good Riddance 2015.

2015 was my worst year ever. Many of the details I'm not comfortable sharing which is odd for someone who has often been accused of sharing too much, especially on a blog. I did learn more about certain subjects than I ever wanted to but learning about those subjects is something I wouldn't wish on anyone.

I believe most the bad stuff is behind me and my family. I have a plan to work out some of the remaining physical woes (a contributor to the worst year), other scars are healing on their own. One of the things I am grateful that I learned is who and what is important and I have to remind myself of that every day.

Here's to reminding myself in 2016.


Kate Geisen said...

Wishing you a far happier 2016!

Carolina John said...

I'm singing the same song, almost. 2015 blew and I'm glad it's over. Onwards and upwards to a brighter 16!

Al's CL Reviews said...

Wishing you a better 2016!