Sunday, February 3, 2013

When you think you can plan....

Last night, while I was reviewing some essays that my older daughter was crafting to get into some nerd summer program, my younger daughter called from her school activity saying that the barfies had shown up. She was requesting a pick up as she was the one channeling the barf. I gave my wife the choice of fetching or editing. She chose fetching as the essays were due yesterday.

I was debating either running this morning or seeing my kids perform but after six overnight barfs my younger daughter was in no shape to perform. We decided that my wife would go to the concert and I would stay home with our plague petri dish.

We had about 30 people scheduled to come over to watch the game later Sunday. Since we felt that we didn't want to give all our guests the now fully incubated plague, we decided to cancel our super bowl party. I was able to cancel some of the food we ordered (so that was good) but we have plenty of chips and beer. I have a call into Roger Goodell to reschedule the game but somehow I'm not getting through on his cell. Maybe I have the wrong number or maybe the Saints were able to get his phone service suspended while in New Orleans. I'm sure someone there tried.

The net of this is that even though I had grandiose plans, I'll be watching this game with a sick teenager cuddled up net to me at best. I hope to still get in some sort of workout during the pre game show.  I'll still be rooting against the Ravens though.

PS: We'll hear about this summer program sometime in April. She has a few other programs that she has already applied to as well that we'll hear about the same time. Next year she'll be writing college entrance essays. Joy. Joy. Joy.


Kate Geisen said...

No doubt what the better choice was here!

TriMOEngr said...

Sick husbands are the only thing worse than sick kids. Hope she feels better soon. Good luck to her on all the program applications. Three hours on the trainer for me this morning. Will feel that tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Hope she feels better soon.

Unknown said...

Hope your daughter gets well soon.

Al's CL Reviews said...

Hope your daughter feels better.

MILF Runner said...

We had weekend sickness as well. But just the parents. It sucked. Nothing like being the sick wife taking care of the sick husband. I was living that Mancold youtube video.

MILF Runner said...

Oh, and I hope you all are all soon healthy over there! And BUMMER about the Niners :(

Carolina John said...

Maybe your reschedule would have prevented the power outage. So really the rest of the world should just learn to listen to you and all problems would end. that's how i read it.