Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Quote of the week.

"When you don't know that you don't know, it's a lot different than when you do know that you don't know" -Bill Parcells


Ewa said...

The second one can be very frustrating but fixable.

Kate Geisen said...


Carolina John said...

but when you do know what you don't know and can't get the answers you need it can get frustrating. Project management is fun.

TriMOEngr said...

I've often said that the smartest people aren't the people that know everything, but that know the right quesions to ask (and the corollary, can figure out who to ask that can give them the correct answer). I think that is the jist of this quote.

Patrick Mahoney said...

Yes. Once I learned what I wasn't good at, things got better. Though I still screw this up from time to time.