The United States Flag code states " The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."
During my race last Saturday one of the houses along the run course had a flag in front of their house displayed on a flag pole upside down. I actually knew that an upside down flag was a sign of distress but I wondered why they chose to make this statement. There seemed nobody home (and I was a bit occupied at the time) for me to ask why so I thought about it during my race to take my mind off my pathetic run performance. Two thoughts came to mind:
- Since the date was 9/10 I wondered if this was somehow related to the 9/11 remembrance activities.
- A statement on the political and economic state of the country.
I started trolling the web to see what the deal is and found there seems to be a movement in various pockets of the country to display the flag upside down as a protest sign about the political and economic state of the country. This seems to be igniting some passionate confrontations but I haven't seen any evidence of these confrontations leading towards actionable plans, just displays of frustration with the current state.
I wish I was able to talk to the homeowner to find out the root of this mystery. Do you think this was related to 9/11 or was it related to protesting the current state of the country?
It doesn't make sense to me to have it upside down for 9/11 - I could see hanging it at half mast, but not upside down.
It makes more sense to me that it was related to frustration with the govt and economy and such.
another note, i found this about flag of distress
"The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."
I could see someone who has lost their job or is somehow in other danger of losing their home due to the recent economy displaying a flag upside down, although I'm not sure that is truly the intent of the distress signal. Interesting...
Probably related to the current state of the economy. I think lots of people feel powerless right now, and this is another way to protest. I agree with Lisa though, there's no way to know what the intent is...just to say, "I'm pissed off." hmmmm.
On 9/11, it was supposed to be half-mast (someone needed to tell that to the US Pen).
I'm thinking the person's intent was "I'm pissed off."
A comment about the state of the union itself, would be my guess, though I can also see it being a personal distress sign.
You're nice than me, because unless it was my friend's house, I would NOT want to get into a discussion of why.
I think it was some kind of protest, in my opinion
I agree I suspect it was expressing dissatisfaction with our country's current political/economic state of affairs.
My vote would have to be in line with the economy. Still seems pretty rude and disrespectful.
I dont think it has aything to do with 9-11...looks like protest and I agree seems disrespecful to me..there are other ways ..I am with Kate..I would not go into a discussion like that with a stranger!!!
Well, it is probably safe to turn it around now becauze Obama released his much anticipate Stimulus bill...eh, I mean, Jobs Bill. All is good now and just in the nick of time too! Whew!
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