Thursday, January 24, 2019

My thoughts on the 2019 Disney Half

Last week Mrs. RockStar and I walked the 2019 Disney Half Marathon. It was her first half mary. I've done a few. The takeaways were:

  1. Our time was a lot slower (4:03:04)than my past halfs. In fact, it was my slowest ever.
  2. We knew it was going to be slow since that was how we trained. We executed our race exactly inline per our training.
  3. We were concerned about the balloon ladies who are supposed to run/walk 16:00 miles. If they pass you, you may be asked to get on the "bus of shame." We did not go on the bus! We finished the race.
  4. I was hurting after the race. It took me longer to recover than I expected. I missed out on my post Disney Shula Steakhouse tradition.
  5. I view this race overall as a success. 9 months ago walking was an issue. We've come a long way.
  6. We did it with Team in Training. Don't know if we'll do it again but we helped a good cause
  7. My next time at Disney will be 2021. Join me!

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