Saturday, March 24, 2012

Yard invasion

These guys have shown up on our lawn this week. I think they are lost. We don't live in farm country but downtown suburbia. The birds seem to like it here except they won't shut up. They disappear for hours at a time but reappear traveling in a pack, yapping and yapping.

I keep thinking of better options like:


Unknown said...

LOL! The turkey dinner option sounds pretty good.

TriMOEngr said...

Love the options pics! How bizarre to hear these guys yapping away on your lawn.

Patrick Mahoney said...

We get ducks from the park in the middle of our neighborhood. No matter how many times I've seen it I still do a double take when I see them waddling down the sidewalk.

Al's CL Reviews said...

We had one in our neighborhood. It disappeared right before Thanksgiving.