I was riding with a friend (who is also doing IMFL) but he had to head back a little early. Just as we were the farthest point from my house, the wind decided to kick it up. This made for a slow slog of a ride cruising along at less than 10 mph while it felt we were pushing it hard for a long way. When I got back to my house, I was at 73miles in. I realized I had a choice of either going out again or going on the trainer. I chose the trainer, popped in the video of IMAZ on the Computrainer and finished up my ride with 39 slow miles in the basement. All in, 112 miles.
Part of me felt like I was a wimp for finishing the ride on the trainer. Part of me felt that since this was the last "big" ride, I had to get the work done. Based on the wind it would be hard to get a sense of what would be an accurate target for the bike split but I felt OK after the ride. Does trainer riding count? Maybe but I viewed it as 112 is 112.
Tapering begins now. The self doubt has already started. Let the madness begin (some who live in the house with me may say it began about a year ago but we won't go there now) !
The CT is much harder that riding outdoors for 39mi, no downhills, no tailwinds!
Nice job!
You did it! You're ready :)
Good job. We did a half-century today in near perfect conditions and it about did me in. I'm incredibly impressed with your accomplishment today!
What would have been worse is if you had stopped and not finished out on the trainer at all. Great job!
I find the trainer so much harder than outdoors for a number of reasons:
1- You don't have tailwinds or downhills
2- You have nothing to distract your mind (IMAZ CT is different but you are still on the trainer)
You did the mileage and that is all that matters. Congrats!
Taper away!
Agree that 112 is 112 regardless. You are a rock star! Put that self-doubt away. Kick it to the curb! Time to embrace the taper.
That's a long taper! I still have one week of build left. Ready for it to calm down some.
You put in the miles, I say that's what counts. And those winds do sound stoopid.
I actually find the trainer to be easier - hence why I think I'm better on flat courses than hills. But either way I agree that for going into your taper, 112 is 112 however you look at it.
If you find the trainer easier, then your not doing it right
There is no shame of finishing on the trainer, I hate head winds more then I hate hills, and everyone knows how much I hate hills
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